Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ice, Ice, Baby...

4x a day, I've been icing the hammy. Both ways on the commute, in bed, and at least one other time as convenient. I was able to walk yesterday with out a limp for the first time. I can also apply pressure to it without too much pain. It feels different now, almost as if its tight from lack of use rather than injury. I went to the golf range yesterday for an hour and played a few holes (in a cart) to see how it would hold up. This morning it felt better. I'm thinking the stretching and light activity helped. I think next week I'll hit the gym for stretching and upper body during my usual running window. If all goes well, I hope to hit the road again in a week. These are dangerous times. I feel better and need to stretch, but don't won't to overdue it and re-injure. I was talking to a guy at the course who has done multiple marathons (including a 3:10 at age 60!) He lost three years due to a hamstring injury a few years back. I was sufficiently frightened.

1 comment:

VT Runner said...

Good to hear you're on the mend, and I think you're right to be cautious. If you do want to test out running, I'd recommend you start with the eliptical machine for no more than twenty minutes at a time. Do that 3 times a week for a couple of weeks before adding any running. And then start by adding maybe ten minutes of running for a couple of weeks. Seriously, that's the level of work I did with my calf. Patience is key, and that's where PT comes in. They can give you a conservative program that will hold you back while you heal.

Good luck!