Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Afternoon, Again

I got out late afternoon again today for just about 34 minutes. I felt only so-so today but am glad that I got out. Yesterday's tightness was not present on the run but showed up afterward, definitely an allergic thing. I don't know how far today's route is but it's most likely somewhere in the neighborhood of 4.25-4.5 miles if I had to guess. I'll measure it one of these days. Terrific running weather. Again. That's it.


VT Runner said...

What's with the afternoon runs? I feel like we've switched places. You combating the downtime between projects by getting some sun while it lasts?

Whatever the reason, I like seeing the variety. Keeps things fresh. Always good to avoid that not-so-fresh feeling.

Agricola said...

I was working from home the past two days, and feeling lazy in the AMs knowing that I had the whole day to get out.

The variety is great, but I'll be back on the morning rotation Friday (if it's not raining though it's supposed to). It's a totally different crowd in the afternoons so that kept it interesting.