Monday, September 15, 2008

Ten and Ten

I had a good weekend.  I was thinking about FA and his (and Mrs. FA's) Komen Run quite frequently and that motivated me to get out and be active.  FA wrote a a great post and it sounds like he and theMrs. had a nice first step into the world of road-race running.  I take the fact that FA was a bit disappointed in his time as a good thing -- it's fodder now for further improvement and motivation to keep going.  Congrats!

Saturday I had hoped to get in a trail ride but instead went for a ten mile road ride into a neighboring town towing Child One in the Chariot (w/bike atachment).  C1 enjoyed the ride despite the sand in her face (even through the screen) which we remedied at the turnaround by using the rain shield.  It was a little hectic through the center of town on a Saturday afternoon but it just inspired me to ride more quickly and get to "safer" roads.  I used my regular shoes on the clipless pedals -- I didn't need anymore complications with such precious cargo -- and it was totaly fine.  I put on a pair of workout shorts, but rode in a cotton tee and didn't have on my watch.  I covered the ten miles in under an hour.  Cardiovascularly speaking it was not overly challenging but I have some sore muscles that I'd forgotten about -- the right glute!

On Sunday I did a 10K loop from my house and covered it in 49:37.  All in all it was a good run though my lunch was sitting like a stone in my stomach and I threw up once in my mouth -- more a chunky burp really -- which was pretty nasty.  My ankle was pretty sore last night and I flash froze it (and my foot) in a bucket of ice and water.  It feels fine today and I'll hit the road again tomorrow -- I thought it best to rest it today rather than push it for another run though everything else felt good enough to go today as well.


Steve DiMattia said...

Sounds like a great weekend, chunky burp and all. I'm eating lunch, and nearly choked on the detail.

I've only been on the bike once since running started on July 29, but that one time was remarkably easier, I think b/c of the running. Though biking doesn't make running anyeasier, in my view.

Agricola said...

I agree -- running seems to me to be the mother load of cardio base building. It makes other things easier but other things don't make running easier. People asked me when I spoke about the tri if any of the stages were really hard. from a fitness level they weren't too difficult b/c I had a good cardio base from running. Swimming wouldn't help so much to improve the running lungs but running lungs worked well for swimming.

Steve DiMattia said...

Pardon, running started in June 29...

VT Runner said...

Loved the chunks detail and response. Classic blogging, guys.

I am now set to channel FA and run for the first time in a week. You'll read how that goes later on.

VT Runner said... channeling FA, I mean that I'm inspired by his performance, not that I'm only running once a week.