Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Run 31

I attended a seminar today, uptown, starting at 9:30, so with Mrs. FA taking the girls to school I had a rare morning of leisure, with a run and a long shower and a late start to the day. I was super sluggish. It felt VERY different from my evening runs. 5k took me 33 minutes, 3 minutes longer than my last two 5k runs. It was a beautiful morning, though, and totally worth spending three more minutes outside.


Agricola said...

Big day on the blog, lots of posts.

I feel the same way about evening runs that you feel about morning. Runs at different times of feel very different. Interesting how you get used to something.

Bennu Runner said...

I used to hate early morning runs as my body just wasn't loose enought to get into a running groove. In my previous running life I used to run at 10 or 11 at night. It was great to shake the stress of the day off, I had better runs as I was loose and I slept better as I was tired. My preference has now flipped post kids mainly due to being exhausted at the end of each day. I plan on running in the afternoon some weekend to see how it feels.

Agricola said...

I prefer mornings, but sometimes you've got to go when you can. My body isn't usually that psyched about the afternoon run -- to much stuff in the body -- food, beverages, thoughts, etc. to be in the right frame of mind. I'm on a little afternoon cycle right now and will go again today in the afternoon. I'll probably take tomorrow off and run Friday and Saturday AM.

PhatRunner said...

Just depends. Some days mornings, some afternoons. Evenings are harder these days, but doable. I think the best quote about working out that I ever saw was, "You never get to the top of a hill and wish you had not climbed it." Its the same with working out....

Agricola said...

True PR, but I prefer to climb the hill in the AM!

VT Runner said...

Loved FA's last line, "...totally worth spending three more minutes outside." I just thought that was so random and perfect.

I'm with PR. It's all about just getting it in -- morning or night, the accomplishment feels the same to me.