Friday, September 19, 2008

Late Start

I  got out of the house late today -- 7:20.  I did my short route (3.3 miles) and ran it in 25:57 which I think might be a record for me for that loop.  It was a fairly uneventful run, I felt good and quick, the sun was up and the sky was crystal clear.  The temps were in the low-mid-40s.  I wore a long sleeve technical shirt, but shorts.  I did see my first jacketd, tighted, hatted runner -- though she had her jacket unzipped and was sweating pretty good.  Today is the type of day that makes you really appreciate the seasonal change -- it's can be so beautiful.

1 comment:

VT Runner said...

I'm with you on the season change. I went out with sweats, long sleeved tech shirt, light running jacket, gloves and a hat. Ditched the hat after an hour, but was otherwise comfortable. What an amazing time of year.