Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Castle Island 6

Despite a lack of sleep for the past 2 nights (premier week), I felt good this morning (relative at 5:30) and ran my Castle Island 6 mile loop in 57:35. The weather was perfect and watching the sun rise over Boston harbour is a great sight. This bests my distance PR by a mile and the pace was 30 seconds faster than my previous 5 mile run. Almost stopped to stretch the calves as they were tightening up around the 2 mile mark. I tried to think more about lifting my knees and less about pushing off my toes to adjust my stride. It worked. By mile 3, no more calf issues. Adding a mile to my route added a moderate hill at the 2/4 mile mark that went surprisingly well. I should be able to get in 3+ over the next couple of days to get back to my target weekly mileage post hammy. I'm also thinking about running a 5K in the home town in late October. I would be a good time to get a baseline. There's a 10k option as well, but that might be pushing it.


Agricola said...

Good work on the mileage.

When is the race in your town? Maybe we could do it together.

I'm psyched at how active this blog is right now.

VT Runner said...

Slow and steady. I'm going to sound like a broken record, here but I'll say it anyway. Give yourself a solid few weeks of the same easy-feeling runs to be sure you're in the clear before pushing on the mileage and doing a race. A setback right before the cold weather could really kill your momentum.

On a more positive note, nice job getting back on track. I liked the piece about adjusting your stride to solve the calf issue. Wish I knew how to make little adjustments to get rid of pain. What quick fix do you recommend for tight calves, tight hammies, tight flexors, blister on the big toe, and general soreness? (kidding...sort of)