Monday, September 15, 2008


3 Shot blocks (Margarita with salt)
1/2 Cliff Bar, Blueberry (not bad)
2 water bottles -- refilled at playing fields' bubbler (Yes, bubbler. You can take the kid out of MA, but you can't...)
1 hour 45 minute run
12 or so miles, haven't mapped it yet
1 ice cold bath to soothe my sore legs.

No injuries, but this one hurt.

1 comment:

Agricola said...

I'm not surprised that it hurt -- you've been sort of quiet on the running front and then that's a big one to go out and uncork!

Good for.

I like the blueberry cliff bar pretty well myself. Love the margarita shot blocks -- the salt is key. Have you tried black cherry? They have 50mgs of caffeine in them - i'd imafine eating them and margarita in alternating blasts could be a pretty potent combo.

I froze my foot the other night -- i couldn't bend my toes when I was done and it was so cold that it hurt and me sweat on the rest of my body -- gotta love the ice bath!