Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Back in the saddle...

Its been two weeks and a day since the brain cramp/hamstring injury. I have had no pain in the hamstring since last Wednesday. On Saturday I walked 18 with a caddie (~4.5 miles) with no ill affects. So I targeted today to run 2 miles. Other than feeling tight, it went well. I ran at exactly 10 min pace, forcing myself to slow down at times. I'm struggling with this injury as I've never pulled a hammy before. I can't tell if its tight because I haven't used it much in the last 2 weeks or if its still on the mend. I'll probably know more tomorrow morning.


VT Runner said...

Glad to see you back. Slow and steady is the way to go with lots of stretching. Map out a very conservative program and stick with it longer than you think you should. You'll feel like you can run faster/longer, but give it time. At least that was my experience with the calf pull, which I reinjured twice on what I thought were easy progression runs.

Good luck!

Agricola said...

I'm going to second VTR's approach. It's all abut running for the long haul and keeping at it for a long time. Take it slow, don't get overly aggressive and you'll be fine.

I'd say that your hammy was tight from the injury -- you popped it and it healed and the point at which it healed is probably not overly elastic at this point. In addition to stretching I'd recomment wrapping an ice pack around the thing too when your done and ice for twenty minutes/day post workout.

Welcome back.