Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday Trot

I was feeling groggy today and almost bailed, but I got up and out and went for a run.  The blog motivated me.  I did my 4 mile loop, and was saying to myself "go slow, take it easy, ease into the week." I went out and did another 32 minute 4 miles (32:09).  Then I chatted for about ten minutes with my neighbor on my cool down. It was a classic suburban moment, and this guy is one of my favorite neighbors. The weather was perfect -- cool and a bit overcast, but dry and comfortable.

I'm a bit achey and sore right now which seems sort of natural as the season seems to be winding down (even though I'm adding in more activities). I'll monitor it all and keep working to the CCM Relay and assess where I am after that. Part of me thinks I might scale back for the end of October and first half of November, but the cool decent weather of those months is good for building up the base before embarking on training for the Vermnot City Marathon which I want to tackle again (and whch will start in late January, which is not that far off, amazingly!).

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