Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Still running...

Went out for my short 2 mile work loop at 5:30 this morning. I dropped over a minute from my pace compared to yesterday as I was feeling more confident in the hammy. Iced it once I got to my office. It was still stiff during the run. I'm going to try and stay on flat routes until it loosens up a bit. Taking tomorrow off and will try to run 4 on Friday if all is well. I'm fighting the urge to run hard as my legs are fresh. However, VT Runner's experience earlier this year with the ankle is helping to keep me in check.


Agricola said...

Another motivated early AM runner! Good work. Slow and steady wins the race and keeps you running. Give it time, be patient, and embrace the process. Strive for incremental improvement.

VT Runner said...

Nice work getting out so early.

I'd keep to 2 - 3 miles three to four times a week for a solid month. It will be hard to slow down, but trust the process.

Great job getting back out there, though.

Steve DiMattia said...

Not only is a 5:30am run impressive, but it sounds like you ran FROM WORK, so I conclude you were AT WORK before 5:30, which is more impressive.

Bennu Runner said...

Hard to keep the miles down as I was just getting to the more interesting 5+ loops before the injury. I'm not too worried about adding more distance sooner as 1) I'm only running in the 9-10 minute pace range and 2) I was practically sprinting when it happened so it was a different area of the muscle than I normally use. I won't be sprinting/striding again for at least a couple of months.

Mrs. Bennu Runner and I have flipped our schedules. I now get in early and leave early to pick up the kids from school/daycare. The traffic in the evening is much better than the morning.(Although it is still congested at 5:00 when I hit the road.) The expressway sucks!