Friday, September 5, 2008


I intended to go running yesterday but I woke and everything huhrt -- my whole body ached.  It was like a delayed reaction from Tuesday night's endeavor.  It was a good ache and sort of cool though.

I got out this morning and the air was foul.  It wasn't too hot but it was super humid -- around 90%..  I had a weird dream about not being able to breathe and woke up feeling sort of congested, but I ran anyway.  I did my short route and kept off on the pace becuse of the humidity.  I didn't have my HR monitor on today.  I felt strong through the short distance -- sometimes you need short runs for confidence, I think --.I finished well and am glad that I got out.  I was making breakfast post-run and was leaving footprints all over the clean kitchen floor -- that's how much I was sweating. 


VT Runner said...

Short runs for confidence. Yes! I agree. They're also great for the days when you want to just check running off the list and move on. Not such a burden or commitment. They just feel good.

Good for you for getting out in the muck.

Agricola said...

Get the blood flowing, that's all you need sometimes . . .