Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I'm done for a while. 48 hours later I still have significant pain, not to be confused with soreness, in the hamstring. I've been icing it 3-4 times a day and taking Naprosyn (prescription Alleve, technically for my wrist). What I find strange is that nothing else is sore. If I was pushing too hard, I would have thought I'd be sore in other places. I figure I'll give it a week and then evaluate whether I should get the referral for PT.


Agricola said...

ugh . . . sorry to hear that. give it some rest, keep icing. Have you ever considered yoga to help with flexibility?

Little bites, when you return.

We saw Mrs. Bennu and offspring yesterday, sorry we missed you. We had a nice time.

VT Runner said...

Bummer!!! Rest and time is the best remedy, although PT helps speed things along. They'll also give you a good program to get back on track when you're ready.

Hope the pain eases soon. Maybe a gin & tonic will help?