Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Run 43, Payday

I ran a PR on my 5k Resevoir loop, 29.23. It is my first sub-30 minute 5k distance, I am fairly sure, and I am pleased. It felt good the whole way, almost. It was cold and windy, but I was sporting new running shorts and windbreaker, purchased for the blustery downs of the Cape. Must have felt handsome.

The well assembled woman from run 42 made a point...I can turn it up and dial it back during the run, so long as I am in charge. That may be overly apparent to more experienced legs, but to now I've only set my route and then run to get through it, slow and steady. I've hit a milestone here and am thinking through the CCM to the next event.

I feel ready and excited to see everyone on Saturday night. I aim to get in a run Friday evening, nothing too strenuous. Then I'll be making meatballs for the pasta feed.

Later, boys.

1 comment:

VT Runner said...

What a fantastic post. Had me smiling throughout. So glad to see the running thing coming together for you...and it's even better for me. I'm inspired.

We'll feast on Saturday and revel on Sunday. Good for us.