Monday, April 2, 2007

Weekend Work

Sunday April 1, 2007

So, on Sunday I took my first run in a week, and the first run of my 36th year. It was six years ago yesterday that I actually started running and I've more or less kept up with it despite some rough times the past couple of years. I didn't operate my watch/HR-monitor correctly so I have no useful data to share except to say that I did my usual shorter run of 3.3 miles somewhere in the 30-sub-30 range. It felt good and I was glad to have finally shaken my cold enough to go for a run. I'm still all congested, and scratchy in the throat, but I sucked it up.

Saturday March 31, 2007

I didn't run on Saturday but I did spend the day thatching my lawn and my Dad's lawn over the course of a very physical 4 hours of power-thatching, raking, lugging barrels and emptying the bed of a pick-up truck. It was a beautiful day to be outside and great weather for manual labor. If you don't think 4 hours of yard work is hard work I invite you over next year to help . . . the lawn needs to be thatched before the forsythia bloom, and, oh yeah, I also spread my first batch of fertilizer this season. Spring is here.

1 comment:

VT Runner said...

I love yardwork! I agree it's good exercise, but the added bonus of tangibly improving your property is huge to me. Nothing about home ownership is more satisfying than that.

Nice to see that you're feeling better and getting back on the roads. I bet you'll see a jump in your performance when you're fully recovered. Even though you were sick, your muscles probably enjoyed the break.