Sunday, April 29, 2007

Contagion or Exhaustion

Time: 31:06
Avg HR: 155
Peak HR: 176
Distance: TBD (~4) miles
Start Time: 7:55 AM
Training Effect: 4.5
Temp: ~40

I'm not sure what's up with me and the spring. Last spring was a health disaster with one sickness after another and this spring is only mildly better. Saturday was my day to hit it but it wasn't happening. I felt like I'd been run over by truck. I'm not sure if it's a cold -- I've been spewing gouts of nasty yellow stuff from my nostrils all week -- or if I was just wiped from my weekend in Chicago and a very full week at work.

I don't know . . .

Anyway, I went out today. Not much to report. I went a little extra distance today, added maybe half a mile or so. It was more painful that I thought, but given yesterday's weirdness I should have expected it. Spring is really a weird time for me. I'm psyched that it's warming up and greening up, but the weather is super variable and it's often not pleasant (today was only in the 50s and drizzly all day). I'm just in a poor mood right now.

1 comment:

Agricola said...

This morning's route = 3.7283 miles.