Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Perfect run day

Got in a quick 40 minutes after work. It was about 57 degrees, blue sky, no wind. Perfect for running.

Today I realized that I'm finally at the point where I don't want to miss a workout. Sure, I'll take a rest day, but only if it's on the schedule. It feels good to be slightly obsessed.

1 comment:

Agricola said...

I'm hanging around the fringes of obsession, but I'm in a little bit of a bad habit run right now. Monday tuesday this week were just lost as a result of tiredness. Last night though, we stayed up until 1 AM watching "Glory Road." It was a good flick, but we never should have stayed up that late. It totally messed me up and I flaked again. I'm so annoyed at myself. Eating well and sleeping well are total keys for me to run well -- I'm very much a routine person, if it gets off a bit it throws everything off.