Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Time: 28:55
avg HR: 158
Peak HR: 176
3.3 miles
6:55 AM start
Training Effect: 4.3
Temp: 35 F

It was a wet and gray sort of day today, but not bad for running. I tried to stretch out my usual route by running slower. Weirdly, my AVG HR was slightly higher than usual and the overall time of the run was about one minute longer than usual -- it felt comfortable though.

I need new sneakers, the toe in the right shoe is basically worn away and you can see the undersole. I guess I push off harder on my right foot than my left and more towards the front -- that's odd, I think, because my right is not my dominant side.

There was a big bird in a tree along my route that I think was a Northern Flicker, but it was far enough away, and up high enough that I can't say for sure -- though there are a bunch of Northern Flickers in the area. It's call was loud and that's how I noticed him. Thrilling post!

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