Tuesday, May 1, 2007

May Day

Time: 27:03
Avg HR: 154
Peak HR: 177
Distance: 3.3 miles
Start Time: 6:59 AM
Training Effect: 4.4
Temp: mid-40s

What a nice morning for a run. I wore shorts, and a couple of poly-pro shirts, my hat and some gloves -- I'm a wimp about cold hands on runs. I didn't really need the hat I don't think, but I'd rather have it and not need it . . . I didn't pull it down over my ears and I'm sure I looked a dork, but it served its purpose. I came in near my PR and if I'd hit the button more quickly at the end then I might have equaled it.

Now that I'm solidly beneath 30 minutes for +3 miles I need to stretch out the run more. That's my new goal, just start moving the regular runs out to about 4 miles. It will probably also help me with my pacing which around the 3 mile mark is challenging -- I go out and try and burn it and there's really no need to, it's all about duration. When I trained for New York I could run at 9 minutes/mile and it was just a rhythm that I could hit -- but I usually hit it around 4 - 5 miles. Things got comfortable at that point and I could go for a long time at that pace.

Falmouth Road Race Sign Up
On another note, today starts the registration/lottery for the Falmouth Road Race on August 12. I'm printing out my entry form right now and mailing it in today -- you have until 5/15 to get your form in for consideration.

1 comment:

Agricola said...

I mailed my form in yesterday. I should know by late June if I'm in. Very exciting!