Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Time: 32:35
Avg HR: 158
Peak HR: 178
Distance:4.02 miles
Start Time: 6:55 AM
Training Effect: 4.4
Temp: 48
Date: 5/15/07

I was not psyched for this morning's run -- the first in 5 days!

I went anyway, did the 4 mile loop and it felt pretty good to get out. I have an uncanny knack, however, of missing the good weather and running in the middling-to- poor. It was gray and spitting when I headed out but the rain held off -- and the air actually smelled really good with the bit of rain on the ground.

The best part of today's run however was that the local constabulary has one of those mobile speed monitoring wagons -- the kind that run on solar and sit by the side of road letting you know how fast you're going -- parked along my route. Well, today, it picked me up. When I first realized that it was recording my speed it had me clocked at 8 MPH. That realiztion made me lose a stride and I went to six, then bounced back up to 7 MPH as I pulled even with the thing for an average speed of 7 MPH.

It was funny because I was thinking about the fact that a pace of 8 minutes/mile equals about 7.5 miles per hour. The speed wagon thing confirmed that. Usually those things don't pick up people, at least in my experience, and I've run right at them to get a reading but all it did was throw off my HR monitor -- ~150 BPM to 264 BPM which basically means your heart is about to explode.

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