Monday, May 7, 2007

Mint Juleps

Time: 33:10
Avg HR: 155
Peak HR: 175
Distance: 4.02 miles
Start Time: 8:39 AM
Training Effect: 4.6
Temp: mid-40s
Date: 5/6/07

Legged out another four on Sunday. It didn't feel that good but the time was there.
I intended on going long(er) on Saturday but multi-projects prevented that. Then the Kentucky Derby and the obligatory Mint Julep happened at 6ish. I was feeling the Julep with every step -- Juleps go down easy, but they extract a price the next day.

Anyway, did the run, then worked my tail off the rest of the day -- finishing a carpentry project with my Father, helping Mrs. Agricola finish a rocking project of her own that have the front beds looking amazing, then mowing the lawn. It was a busy, active, excellent day -- that we capped off with dinner with neighbors and a Martini . . . luckily Monday was an off day!

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