Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

Here's my log for this past weekend:

Saturday, I cross-trained with Manual Labor. I worked in the yard for a good 4 hours, edging, spreading mulch, trimming various flora and planting a bush. It was good, honest, hard labor, very sweaty and dirty. I was beat the next day.

Sunday Played lacrosse-keep-away on the beach with my nieces. It was a good thirty minutes of stop and start sprinting. I almost blew out my knee, however, when I planted my foot in the sand and my knee locked because my foot didn't move. That would have been nasty.

Monday I went running with two of my favorite people -- my kids. I threw them in the double-jogger and went out for 36:43, with an average HR of 153 and a max of 168. We covered 4.2 miles and it went very well -- no real fighting and no real demands made by my little passengers. We had a nice chat and both serenaded me the whole way. When you figure that my little ones weigh a combined 60 pounds and the stroller weighs nearly 20, and you factor in blankets, snacks and stuffed animals I was pushing around 80 pounds and that changes the workout. I have to say though, that once you get the cargo rolling you actually have to restrain the whole thing -- so, while you're pushing, you're also holding back. We ran on the shoulder at times, in sand and grass, and that really added a whole different dimension to the workout too. Despite the fact that the Cape route is pretty flat, the off-road effort made it seem like running up-hill. I'd love to go out with my kiddies every week and given that they behaved so well, I think I will try it again this weekend.

How'd the race go VTR? I'm looking forward to the post.

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