Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Best Laid Plans

So the plan called for 48 miles in the Park early this morning. Other plans got in the way.

We hosted a long-planned dinner party on Saturday night and we all had a load of fun and afterwards discarded lots of empty bottles. So we didn't roll out of bed today until 10:00am, then Church, then a planned visit with neighbors. By the time I suited up and headed out, Isreal Day had overrun the bottom half of the Park and the riding was dangerous.

As an alternative I focused on climbing - not my favorite thing - with 5x 'round the Great Hill-102 St Trancept loop.

After a tough week away, it was not the auspicious return to the bike that I had anticipated. Mildly digusted with myself, I didn't bother to record the stats.


VT Runner said...

Good for you for getting out on the bike in less than ideal situations. Life is always getting in the way of a good workout, the key is just getting out. Nice job.

Agricola said...

Indeed. It's all about the effort -- carrying through on the plan and attempting something.

I was not motivated on Sunday, and I had on my gear but the coffee was on and everyone was starting to eat breakfast and I was wavering and Mrs. Agricola said "You dresse for it you need to go, otherwise that's an admission of total defeat to gear up and then not go . . . " Off I went.

It's all about getting out the door and doing something.

Steve DiMattia said...

Cheers to Mrs. Agricola...