Friday, March 16, 2007

Super Cool!

Well, I didn't go running today (tomorrow's my day) but I did find a fascinating tool while speaking with a colleague. It's Google Maps mash-up that let's you track your running route. I've been thinking about one of these for a while but always forget to look for it.

The URL for the app is here:

My colleague found it on this blog:

I'll add both to the link list. An interesting thing is that I've been running further than I thought on my short route -- 3.3153 miles to be exact. Have fun with this time waster! Above is the shot of my route -- I don't want to give access to the satellite image and let people hone in on the casa -- call me paranoid.

1 comment:

VT Runner said...

Ok, that tool is awesome. Perfect for mapping out routes before a run, but not so perfect for measuring after a least for me. I thought I ran 7 miles today, but this thing has me at 6.5. Bummer. I'm sticking with the 7 and thinking I must have missed a turn. Yup, that's my story. Better for the mental state of mind. Still, great site!