Thursday, March 15, 2007

Beware the ides!

It has been a struggle thus far to maintain any sort of consistency. The only 'David time' is very early AM and if I don't get up at 4:30, forget it. Fortunately Cheryl is back after her three weeks of travel so I no longer feel akin to a single parent raising two kids solo.

I've gained back the 2.5 lbs I'd lost since this blog began, PLUS put on another 1.5 in recent days, which is entirely unacceptable.

My goals are these:

-Thirty minutes per day activity (elliptical) and increase intensity/duration in 5 min increments up to 1hr

-Run outside on both Sat and Sun

-Register for the Kittery FD 5k today (5/20) and Portland Trails 10k

-Begin counting WW points again

3/15 204 lbs

Target goal weight: 164 lbs

Weight loss goal week of 3/15-3/21: 5 lbs

1 comment:

Agricola said...

If only Caesar had heeded the oracle . . .

As far as weight goes, I'm trying not to obsess. I'm reducing calories and running. I'm cutting out nightly wine and cookies, and avoiding the 'tween meal snacks. It's serious effort to break the oral fixation because it's pleasurable. It's way more fun to eat a cookie & chug some vino than not . . . discipline.

I focus on running and the girth takes care of itself.