Thursday, March 8, 2007

Break On Through

Time: 28:37
avg HR: 157
Peak HR: 178
3.1 miles
6:46 AM start
Training Effect: 4.5
Temp: 6 F

Despite the temp of 6 F, I broke through my personal psychological barrier, sucked it up and hit the road. Once my fingers stopped hurting -- even in gloves the fingers stung -- it was a pretty good run. Beautiful, cloudless sky, rising sun and funky temperature fluctuations -- sunny stretches were pleasant, shady were c-o-l-d. One thing about running for me is that it not only improves physical strength, it's a good mental toughness builder. The modern life is pretty cushy, and it's easy to be lazy with our HD TVs, ice makers and comfortable homes. Running, for me at least, helps me break out of that, get outside, encounter a bit of pain and transcend the comfortable bonds of my suburban existence. Check out Dean Karnazes for more on that idea -- it's pretty cool.

1 comment:

VT Runner said...

Cool read. Thanks for passing it along.