Monday, March 19, 2007

The Rebound

Time: 28:15
avg HR: 157
Peak HR: 177
3.315 miles
6:50 AM start
Training Effect: 4.3
Temp: 18 F

The new rule this spring is use the inhaler before leaving. I did today and rebounded nicely from my Saturday debacle. I started out a bit more mellow, and covered the route in about 17 seconds more than I did last Thursday. A Monday run is a bit different for me, but it felt good. There were a lot of smells today -- maybe my respiratory issues made me more aware of the odors on my run:

Sometimes I bump into a guy who walks in the AM and smokes a large cigar. I smelled it before I saw him. They are nice cigars, and smell pretty good.

My route takes me over the commuter rail line (twice). The second time is near a station and I could smell the brake pad-burn from a recently departed train. It smells like an electrical fire.

There's a bakery on my route, it always smell good!

Even as frozen as the world is right now (the Vernal Equinox is tomorrow, hello!), I could smell the snow in places that were in the sun and began to melt.

1 comment:

Agricola said...

Actually, the Vernal Equinox is at 12:07 AM on Wednesday 21 March, 2007.

In was mistaken.