Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Vernal Equinox

Time: 29:51
avg HR: 158
Peak HR: 176
3.5 miles
6:49 AM start
Training Effect: 4.5
Temp: 11 F

Six hours and forty three minutes after the commencement of Spring I hit the road. I ran my longer route today and realized that the extra two-tenths doesn't really impact the duration of the run that much. I need to start stretching it out more to break the 30 minute mark and increase the effectiveness of the run.

I saw this fat little Scotty dog out for a walk with its owner. I passed them going up a short incline and the little dog started to run to try and catch me. Granted the beast was on a leash -- though it was one of those extendo leashes -- but the little fatty petered out fairly quickly. It was mildly motivating, actually, because I definitely don't want to end up a fat pup on a leash with little get-up-and-go.

One final thing, please note the temperature: eleven degrees Fahrenheit! One good thing about running in the cold though is the side-shot. It's somehow more acceptable, and definitely necessary, in the winter to clear the nasal passages via this method. Long live the side-shot!

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