Saturday, March 10, 2007

Almost Here

Time: 30:27
avg HR: 159
Peak HR: 180
3.5 miles
6:57 AM start
Training Effect: 4.7
Temp: 19 F

Along the sunny parts of the run today you could smell the earth. A Mockingbird sang its heart out from atop a chimney, and every Cardinal in town seemed to be singing and calling -- looking for mates, a sure sign that spring is almost here!

For some reason I went out a bit harder than I usually do and it sort of hurt. I was out early for a weekend, because I woke up at my normal time (~6:20 AM)and decided to get on the run.

1 comment:

VT Runner said...

Our sure signs of spring are out in full force -- mud and ruts! Still love it.