Monday, March 19, 2007

Wild Weekend

It was a wild weekend. I got a couple of good old fashioned cross training workouts and one shortened "run." I shoveled heavy wet snow for 35 minutes on Friday night, and again on Saturday morning. Shovelling is a gasser, it's amazing. During my morning shovel session I saw a bunch of bikers go buy the end of the street and I knew I had to run that day. I set out at about 5:20 PM and less than a mile into my route I was wheezing like a madman and had to stop. It was about 30 F and very damp -- not a great combo for me. Ever since the fall of 2001 I've had trouble in this kind of weather, and gotten wheezy, though Saturday was the first time I've ever had to stop. A doctor told me it's an allergic thing, and as I've mentioned in previous posts it's been a tough week for running with this allergy induced trouble . . . I did manage to run and walk a mile or so after I first stopped and probably covered about 2 miles in toto, but man it was tough. See above though for my rebound workout.

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