Thursday, July 12, 2007

Training Weather

Happy Birthday, Child One.

No stories to tell. Short ride tonight, even shorter ride earlier this week. I'm struggling with motivation to push for distance in the evenings, and the heat in NYC has been oppressive. I am thinking about switching to early mornings, and may try it next week. Tonight was a beauty, though. Clear, low humidity, 8o degrees.

The ho-hum numbers:

Time: 55.14 minutes
Mx Speed: 24.9 mph
Av Speed: 15.1 mph
Distance: 13.90 miles
Heart Rate: Don't know. I got all suited up but forgot to strap on the monitor.



Agricola said...

Let me know how the early AM changes your motivation. I found that getting out before 6 has helped me, and given more time to ride. I look at people running at the end of the day and I'm not sure how they work it into their lives. There are many excuses that can pop up in the evening to prevent the workout. In the early AM, it's simply a matter of rolling out of bed.

I think it will change things a lot for you. An interesting thing to me about the last few posts up here is that there is a real sense of grind in the summer. It's hot. We want to be lazy. I don't think I sleep as well in the summer with open windows etc, so that impacts things as well. Fall, winter and spring are the season for me for really improving, though targeting a goal in Falmouth has helped focus me this summer -- but I find I get my best workouts in in the non-summer months . . . I'm rambling. Talk to you later.

VT Runner said...

I loved the Heart Rate entry (forgot to strap on). That was my world for 10 days after I got back from China. Jetlag knocked the crap out of me...what's your excuse? ;)

Have a great weekend.