Monday, July 30, 2007


Time: 51:18
Avg HR: 162
Peak HR: 180
Calories: 835
Distance: 6.21
Start Time: 8:01 AM
Training Effect: 5.0
Temp: hot and humid
Date: 7/29/07

SO I got one my needed +50 minute runs in on Sunday. I lounged for a bit in the AM and it was really too hot to do so. I just need to get up and go early. I sweated for probably 40 minutes after finishing -- and not just droplets on the brow, i mean soaking through my shorts so it was like I'd been swimming, running down my back and dripping off of finhertips. I must admit that I walked for about 1 minute to get everything all aligned again at around the 5 mile mark. Also . . . the front of my shirt was blood stained at the end -- the dreaded chafed nipples. I'll do the route again this Sunday in my final long tune up Falmouth which goes off on 12 August. All in all though, I think I'm in a good place for my goal of sub-60 if all goes well. I also feel pretty good today, not much soreness in the legs though I am enjoying my off day but looking forward to tomorrow's trot which I'll probably keep on the shorter side.

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