Monday, March 1, 2010

Get It In Gear

I took the kids skiing this weekend, and did 3.6 with Mrs. A yesterday.
I need to get it in gear or I'll never be ready for my races. I've devised a new approach for next year -- no spring marathons. My typical yearly training trajectory brings me into best shape in the fall -- so, why stress to run a run spring marathon?

Train for Lowell or something in the fall and cap the year that way. Then from Christmas until now, just run to maintain, get in a couple of races, but not kill myself and take my kids skiing which is tons of fun and something that they are loving. I'm stoked I got them back to the mountain this weekend and they really enjoyed it. Their lessons reinforced what they've picked and whetted their appetite for next year. So, I'm putting it in gear, and am energized by revelation about running and the yearly trajectory.


PhatRunner said...

Rock on! That is great about the skiing. So much fun and they will get so much better.

VT Runner said...

Skiing, running, whatever -- it's all exercise and improves the bottom line fitness. I say it's always good to mix it up to keep things interesting. Sounds like you and the family are having fun, which is awesome.