Thursday, March 4, 2010

Catching up

This is a catch up post from Alta, where we're on vacation with Mrs. VTR's family. It's blowing like crazy out today, and 10"-20" is expected over the next 24 hours. Doesn't bode well for running, but like AG, we'll get plenty of exercise in on the slopes.

Earlier in the week, I did manage to get in my two long runs for the week. I did 6 on Saturday and 12 miles on Monday. After having skipped my short mid-week runs two weeks in a row, I'm embracing the "don't miss the long runs" mentality...maybe to a fault. We'll see if I can turn that around next week.


Bennu Runner said...

I'm having the same thought on the long runs. Curious to know the difference in pace between your 12 and 6 mile runs? 6 used to be my long run, now its 10. New area for me. Very jealous of the skiiing. Heading to Blue Hill this weekend. Not the same (but still very fun to see the kids fly on their own for the first time!)

Agricola said...

I trained for NYC on the long run only mentality. I think the little ones help in between.

Skiing is hard work. There was wet pasty stuff at Gunstock last weekend (Alta East, I call it) and it was gassing me. five on Satruday and 10-11 on Sunday.

VT Runner said...

I don't think my pace is much different with 6 than it is with 10, at least at the start. I don't go fast on either one. The difference is with the 10 miler, I start to feel awesome at about mile 6 and then struggle a bit from 7-9, and finish strong. With 6, it's a cruise all the way with endorphins driving me from mile 4 on.