Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Another Morning Run, and Mrs. FA's 1/2

I got out this morning at 6:25a for 32 minutes in the Park. It was a pleasant morning to run, cool and damp from yesterday's rain. I stopped for a stretch at a favorite view and enjoyed the gradual lightening of the morning sky. Pretty good way to start the day.

So Mrs. FA ran the NYC 1/2 Marathon on Sunday and we're all proud of her achievement. She ran it in under 2.20, and would have finished earlier but for some weird GI issues that forced a few pit stops with long lines. She had a good time and emerged healthy, aside from some mild tendinitis in her right knee which we've learned can be avoided with some quad stretching. I think she'll run the distance again.

The race course was such that the little FAs and I were able to cheer for Mommy at mile 4, mile 9, and at the finish relatively easily, by jumping on and off the C train. We had a good time.

Separately, I called the Colchester Parks & Rec office tonight and left an inquiry about registration for the Colchester Tri, which I want to do with the canoe option. More on that soon.

1 comment:

Agricola said...

Hooray for Mrs. FA. That's great, well done. I think the GI issues come with exertion, not sure why, but it's a theory. I always try to go before a run, which is no fun since you have to use pre-race porta-johns, an often scarring experience....

Well done!