Monday, August 20, 2007

Seasonal Woes

I don't know what it is, but every time the seasons start to change I become achey, stuffy and generally lousy feeling. I'm not sure if it's a viral or bacterial thing, or the shifting pressure, changing air or new allergens that trigger my symptoms and knock me for a loop. I haven't run since Thursday of last week. Lat Friday, I awoke feeling nasty and it carried through the weekend. Non-sore legs and gorgeous weather on the Cape, made me psyched to do my five mile loop but I took a three hour nap instead on Saturday. Sunday I laid around all day doing nothing until I helped prune some trees with my father-and-brother-in-laws. I was totally out of it, all day -- lethargic, unmotivated . . . blah. Yesterday would have been a stolen day. Today would have been my actual on-day but I felt less than chipper again so bagged it. Tomorrow is Mrs. Agricola's day so Wednesday will mark my return -- as long as my seasonal woes have come to an end.


VT Runner said...

I'm shooting for a return tomorrow night at the weekly 5K trail run. I've taken a full 10 days off, and I have to get back into it. Like Agricola, my mini-vacation was triggered by a head cold that settled into a mild body ache/flu type of thing. That was over in about 3 days, but I felt the need to continue to chill. Now, with about 9 - 10 weeks until my marathon on the Cape, I'm ready to jump back in. At least that's what I tell myself. I'm counting on refreshed legs to get me all the way back into it. You'll read how that went on Wednesday.

Steve DiMattia said...

General life malaise sidelining me in NYC. August always lays me low.