Thursday, August 16, 2007

Near Bail

Time: 37.46
Avg HR: 154
Peak HR: 174
Calories: 617
Distance: 4.7
Start Time: 6:40 AM
Training Effect: 4.1
Temp: 60 & humid
Date: 8/16/07

I nearly bailed this AM. I was dragging, as evidenced by my late start time and while getting dressed in the kitchen -- yes, I get dressed down there in the AM in an effort not to disturb the family -- I nearly went back to bed. The blog, and my desire to improve won out. I had intended to do my my 5 mile loop and compromised on a little shorter one. I felt slow, but my pace was pretty good. I moved up a training class on my watch -- I was at 6, but now am at 7. Not entirely sure what it means, I'll research and get back to you. My left hamstring is still somewhat sore, but my quads felt pretty good -- just tired, not sore. I may take the rest of the week off, but I'm going to be on CC again this weekend and wanted to do my 5 mile route down there. We'll see how the legs feel Saturday AM.

1 comment:

VT Runner said...

Nice job on not bailing. I'm taking a one week hiatus from the running, and I'll start up again tomorrow. I got a head cold last weekend, and figured it was my bodies way of telling me to slow down. Plus, it gave me a good mental break. As of Sunday, I'll be 10 weeks out from the marathon. Perfect time for a break.

I'm interested to see how I feel this weekend. I have a 7 and 15 miler on tap. Should be interesting.