Friday, August 24, 2007


Time: 32.46
Avg HR: 157
Peak HR: 178
Calories: 564
Distance: 4.02
Start Time: 6:32 AM
Training Effect: 4.1
Temp: warm & HUMID
Date: 8/22/07

Work has been a zoo -- absolutely no fun and incredibly frustrating. I've been pretty much flat out for the past month and there's no respite in sight. You've got love working at a small time shop where everyone thinks they know what they're doing . . . sometimes I really miss the huge agencies and huge clients of NYC -- actually all of the time, Boston is a piker-advertising town.

The long and the short of it is that I end up spent on Fridays, running on fumes.
Couple that with not getting enough sleep last night and today's run was a bit challenging. I tried going out slower but seemed to be running harder based on my numbers. I never really got comfortable -- snot was pouring out my nose, my left eye watered like a faucet (and has been through the latter half of the summer), my throat was filled with gunk, my shorts were riding up and it was nasty humid . . . so, yeah, I had a great time today, with my dear friend, Running . . . hiking and camping tomorrow, so probably no run this weekend, but we'll see. The weekend can't come soon enough.

1 comment:

Steve DiMattia said...

But you sure looked handsome. Jeez...