Monday, August 6, 2007


Time: 51:54
Avg HR: 158
Peak HR: 182
Calories: 838
Distance: 6.2
Start Time: 6:51 AM
Training Effect: 5.0
Temp: warm
Date: 8/4/07

I set out on Saturday AM for my second 50+ minute run before Falmouth. It went really well. It was a bit slower overall (about 39 seconds total) but I had no walking portion to get back on track, and the last hill was easier this week than last. I think it made a huige difference getting out an hour earlier because it was that much cooler, and the air was also drier this week than last. I noticed a difference in my runs in-between 10Ks. The longer run does so much to help the conditioning. I'm psyched I bucked up for these and got them in.

Time: 30:53
Avg HR: 148
Peak HR: 169
Calories: 422
Distance: ~3.8
Start Time: 6:41 AM
Training Effect: 3.8
Temp: cool -- classic August Morning!
Date: 8/6/07

Today was a day I felt the effect of the longer run that I mentioned above. It was a moderate run, just under four, in a time of about 8:07/mile. The HR was within a very comfortable range and the run felt good. It's as if I've turned a definite corner and it feels good to be here at this point in my training: two more runs this week and 6 days until Falmouth . . . I'm feeling good.


VT Runner said...

Congrats on your conditioning. I can't wait to read the post-Falmouth post!

Agricola said...


It's really amazing what even two longer runs do. Part of me was thinking about easing up after FRR, but I think I'll keep going and work towards the CC Marathon Relay -- and take on one of the more challenging legs.

Phat and I saw each other Sunday 8/5 and the ball is rolling to put together a couple of teams. We'll keep you posted.

VT Runner said...

Awesome. How great would it be to line up at the start of that one. I hope the team comes together.