Monday, August 27, 2007

One hour

I got out for a one hour loop today at lunch and felt great. After running two 5K runs in the past 14 days, I finally felt ready to get back out there. The weather was perfect at about 75 - 80 degrees, with blue sky and a slight breeze. My legs felt fresh and my lungs felt fully recovered after the much needed time off.

Agricola, at the very beginning of my marathon training, you stressed the importance of listening to your body. I'd add that you need to listen to your psyche, too. You have to be ready to run, to want to do it at some level (even as you dread the first steps). Today was just one of those days when it all clicked. I'm savoring it now. Who's next?

1 comment:

Agricola said...

Free your mind and your behind will follow, as they say . . .