Friday, September 28, 2007

Sunrise, Moonset

Time: 39:03
Avg HR: 155
Peak HR: 178
Calories: 643
Distance: 4.7
Start Time: 6:36 AM
Training Effect: 4.2
Temp: warm & humid
Date: 9/28/07

It was a gorgeous morning for a run. The eastern horizon was golden as the sun approached the horizon, and the big white moon was setting in the west in a beautiful early morning sky. It was bright, but still not full day light -- the sky was a beautiful blue, somewhere between the navy of pre-dawn and darker than the sky blue of a sun filled day. It was terrific -- the only thing that could have made conditions better better would have been less humidity.

The major thing in my run was that my quads got really tight and I stopped for a bit to try and stretch them out, but it didn't really help. They are still tight, and I'm not sure why. Anyway, I'm going to try and run both days this weekend -- tomorrow to make up for my sloth on Wednesday, and Sunday to start next week right. We'll see how motivated and true to my word I am -- though beautiful weather is predicted and I've got it in my head to run a trail near my house on Sunday.


VT Runner said...

Could the tightness have been from dehydration? I ran while dehydrated and strained my calf a year ago. Now when I don't have enough fluids, the same calf tightens up. Something to consider.

Great descriptions of the moon/sun/sky. Made me wish I got out.

Agricola said...

You know what? I was thinking the same thing about dehydration. I was running along thinking what a fragile flower I am -- I drank a glass of wine last night, and wondered if that might have been part of my problem. I didn't drink a lot of water before bed or before I went out and then the whole shooting match tightened up at about 1.5 miles. I'm trying to pound water now and see if things don't loosen up.

Thanks for letting me know about your calf-thing, maybe there's something to that since we're both experiencing similar things.