Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Rain run

Appropriate that on Sept. 11, at least down here, we experienced a torrential downpour and I happened to be running in it with one of my buddies. Went out very hard for the first mile and and a quarter and felt it greatly in my lungs. The guy I usually run with really pushed me and it was a very rewarding half hour run. Covered a little over 3.2 miles.

Thoughts and prayers to a nation in rememberance.

1 comment:

Agricola said...

Nice post, thanks.

It's good to be alive. You know, I think that's it for me, running on this day. I do it to say "I'm still alive, and I owe it to those who were murdered to run and be alive and not forget this day and not forget what happened." Maybe, in some small way, they run with me.