Thursday, September 20, 2007

Late Start

I got a late start this morning -- I didn't even get out the door until 7:02 AM. I slept until until 6:25, rolled out of bed at 6:33 and goofed around with Child Two for a bit -- we had a fun nose-rubbing session. I did my short loop given the time and it was neither my fastest nor my slowest trot. I felt really uncoordinated today for some reason. There was no smoothness to my stride, I felt like I couldn't hold a line and my right leg felt like it was performing differently from my left. It was really wierd, but I got out and some days that's all one can ask for. I want to go out longer on my daily runs which requires getting up and out earlier, but the darkness at 6 AM is thwarting me -- I need to stop sniveling and just get on it!

I'm looking forward to going long this weekend, let's shoot to be out between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM. Phat, you should bring your family along too and all the kids can hang. Afterwards, we can have lunch or whatever.

Time: 26:20
Avg HR: 157
Peak HR: 176
Calories: 441
Distance: 3.8
Start Time: 7:02 AM
Training Effect: 3.7
Temp: high-40s
Date: 9/20/07


VT Runner said...

Good for you for getting out in the AM. I'm heading out in about 20 minutes for a running "meeting". You'll see the post later.

Thanks for organizing the Saturday run. Can't wait. Looking forward to seeing Phat and family.

PhatRunner said...

I hope to join you this coming Saturday, but unfortunately it will have to be without Mrs. Phat and possibly some of the kids. We are on duty and we can't be gone for long.

How long to get to where you are staying? Also, I will have to go for a shorter run as I sprained my ankle late last week and I have been resting up.