Monday, September 24, 2007

New Week

Time: 38:28
Avg HR: 151
Peak HR: 173
Calories: 587
Distance: 4.7
Start Time: 6:36 AM
Training Effect: 4.0
Temp: high-40s
Date: 9/24/07

Well, I let two glorious days go by on CC without a run! VTR and his family had a change of plans at the last minute so we didn't do our long run, and then I did nothing but drink beer and eat badly. I'll let VTR fill in the details.

I got back on the train today and had a good run -- I went a bit mellow, with a nice kick in the last 800 yards or so. It was crisp and chilly and the sun was coming up and the whole experience made me happy to be outside. A Laurie Berkner line kept running through my head: "I woke up today and saw the sunrise . . . " It's a jaunty little kids song and it's a good running tune. I was almost tripped by a helium balloon . . . someone tied a pair of balloons to a soccer ball that was sitting at the corner of their driveway and as I ran by they blew down and started to wrap around my ankle. I stopped and pulled the thing off and avoided some true embarrassment. Tripped by a helium balloon . . .


Steve DiMattia said...

Laurie Berkner Rocks.

VT Runner said...

I have to say I'm not a big fan. I prefer Dan Zanes.