Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Piriformis

So I think I've been having trouble with my left piriformis muscle. It bugs me only a little while running, but becomes uncomfortable when i sit for a long time. So I am fairly certain it is not sciatica. I've been doing a lot of hip streteches, which help. Anyone know more than I do about this one?


Agricola said...

I was thinking about your posts on my run this AM. I don't even know what the piriformis are, ya-yas need no explanation, but piriformis . . . Are you doing ballet and have you hurt your Pirouette muscles?

If it's muscular, try ice, rest and pain killers -- advil is good for muscles, I like aspirin for inflamations . . . that's my value-add

VT Runner said...

Glad you chimed in on this. I was starting to feel dumb with all these big words flying around. Thought maybe the piriformis was some kind of inside joke reference. Cut to the chase. Did you pull your ass?

Agricola said...

Nice VTR, it is related to the a** . . . it ties into the gluteus . . .

Piriformis a la Wikipedia

How does FA know all of this muscle stuff? I just say, "oh, my legs are sore, my ankle is sore, my hip is killing me . . . " FA gets all latin on us -- thank goodness he's here to elevate the level of discourse.

Steve DiMattia said...

I picked up a copy of runner's world mag, and there was an article on commonly misdiagnosed injuries. It described the piriformis muscle and a strain is often mistaken for sciatic pain. It sounded just like what I've got, so I googled "stretching the piriformis" and learned some things that are working, I think.

Steve DiMattia said...

The muscle is deep inside the hip, under the gluteas, so ice doesn't help. Alleve, however, is great. I understand why women are so enthusiastic about its magical abilities re: PMS.