Monday, July 21, 2008

Running with FA

I had a good run on Saturday AM with FA -- his post is already up.  It was a hot and sticky day and we ran at a comfortable and sane pace.  I know that you're saying that your HR monitor seemed a bit out of whack, but it could be that your HR really is down 10 BPM, or it could be connected to the fact that we did converse and that regulated your HR.  Keep running, you're doing great!

In the afternoon we went for a swim at a Pond we joined and that was fun.  I swam a couple hundred yards, maybe, and that was much different from running.  I've got some work to do if I want to do a Tri.  FA and I also paddled a canoe around the pond and that was cool.


Steve DiMattia said...

The real key to Tri-s, I hear, are workouts that combine two of the three modalities. So swim and then run, or run and then bike. Your muscles need the experience of transitioning from one to the other.

VT Runner said...

Funny that you mention tri's. I just signed up for one that's in Colchester VT on Sunday. I'm a bit worried about the transitions, but it was a spur of the moment decision, so I'm running with it.

It's a sprint (.5 mile swim, 16 mile bike, 3 mile run). Separately, those are all very doable. We'll see how it goes. Should be fun.

Agricola said...

Good luck with that tri! That's the distance I want to try . . . gotta get working on it.

Motivation is low this week, work stress is high and sort of paralyzing on the work front.

VT Runner said...

I'm with you on the low motivation. Might be due to the weather up here. Lots of rain and grey skies this week.