Monday, July 21, 2008

Quarter Acre Run

The FreeArtists and Agricolae spent the weekend at the Quarter Acre, and Agricola and I got in a humid early Saturday run, before it turned into a real scorcher.

Ag is a generous host in many ways. We ran at my glacial pace and stopped when I needed to. In all, I think we travelled about 3 miles and ran about 2 of them, but I need verification on that. And I think my HR monitor was smooshing my HR with Ag's, b/c it measured an average 10 fewer bpms than my previous run on Thursday night. Regardless, I was able to chat while running, which was not something I expected, and enjoyed considerably.

Ms. FA ran on the treadmill last night without pain, proving that her purple toe isn't going to slow her down, so long as she doesn't make any sudden turns. Hills have not yet been tested.


VT Runner said...

Running with friends is such a bonus. Pace, route, etc. go out the window in exchange for good conversation and comraderie.

What happened to Ms. FA that she has a purple toe?

Steve DiMattia said...

It's the fourth toe, one in from the pinkie. She stubbed it, hard.

Agricola said...

It was a good run and it was fun to run together. Given the humidity it was a perfectly fine pace. Keep up the good work. We should go out and do it again sometime.