Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Run 8

I got out for 47 minutes and about 3 1/2 miles altogether, running for about 2 miles / 20 minutes. It's a beautiful night in NYC, hot but not humid, breezy, lots of runners in the Park. I fell in behind a guy who was running at exactly the pace I wanted to run, and so I stayed behind him for a while lest I speed up unnecessarily. After a while he started looking over his shoulder at me. I thought I was making him uncomfortable so I passed him by. I finally found the most direct route through the Park between my apartment and the resevoir. I figure the round trip is a bit more than three miles, and I aspire to making it my regular loop, and to running its entire length, routinely.

1 comment:

Agricola said...

Nice. It was good to hear how psyched you were about going out last night -- wonderful.

Bring your stuff this weekend, let's run together. You can set the pace.

Talk soon!