Friday, July 18, 2008

Downtown Run

I took Child Two in the stroller this AM.  He was up, I was up, so we went running.  We did our usual downtown -- it's where he likes to go -- run and logged 40 minutes.  I came back slower than I went out by just a bit.  I was dragging today.  It was more humid today than it was earlier in the week.  C2 chattered the whole way, as usual, and made observations about trucks and walkers and vans and other runners.  In the spring we saw a dead possum and he mentions it every time we go out together, but he calls it a "big boole" (I'm not sure how to spell it.  He asked me why it got smooshed . . . It was a great morning.  Usually I use the sun shield in the stroller to keep the sun out of his eyes, but today he wanted to bring his shades so I only put the bug/dirt screen over him.  It was fun to be able to look down and see his little head and it was easier to hear him and talk to him. 

I love running with C2.


Steve DiMattia said...

That sounds terrific. Kids in shades are terrific, too.

Agricola said...

Kids in shades are awesome, esp. when they are still in their pajamas, carrying a fake headset that came in a happy meal (an American Idol promo)
their favorite Frog, some cheerios and a jug of OJ. The shades were up on his head most of the run -- C2 is too cool for school.

VT Runner said...

Now that is a great post. If someone ever asks why you run or doesn't get it, just hand them that and walk away. Nice.