Thursday, July 10, 2008

40 minutes

I ran for 40 minutes today. This was sort of a test as it was ten minutes longer than most of my recent runs, and it was done without a day of rest. The plan is to take tomorrow off and then get about 60 minutes in on Saturday. Everything felt fine. Nothing more to report.


Steve DiMattia said...

Everything felt fine. Nothing more to report. Good for you. I aspire to posts like this one.

VT Runner said...

These types of posts are rare. I'm thinking that yoga is in my future. Probably sometime in the fall/winter.

I was thinking about your headache the other day. I'd bet it's dehydration.

One other comment on this run. I found myself chanting 3:15, which is my stretch goal time for the CCM and would qualify me for Boston (my ultimate goal). I really beleive in visualization, and I wondered if you were doing something similar for Falmouth.

Steve DiMattia said...

VTR, I think you're talking to Agricola?

Agricola said...

Yeah, I think VTR is talking to me. I sort of believe in visualization. At shorter distances it works better for me - visualizing for 26.2 has proven fraught for me -- lots of variables out there, and I visualize those too (I'm a project manager, what do you expect). But I'm also looking at the marathon as longer learning curve, there's lots to learn about the training, the race, myself, etc.

Yeah, I'm visualizing 52 for falmouth, thinking about what it will take, how it will feel. I need to run more though. I was toast when the alarm went off at 6 AM today and bailed -- 11 hour work days yesterday and Wednesday, 10 on Mon & Tues -- did me in. I'll try this evening, but time is so pinched right now that I'll end up out there for like 28 minutes and that's not the prep I need to reach my goal.

I saw a great quote on a shirt on my fourth of July race, from some Japanes guy:

Without the will to prepare, the will to win means nothing.

Next marathon training round I need to run more -- no doldrums, no lack of motivation no weeks of low mileage unless the program call for it.

Visualization is great but mileage is king.