Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Run 11, Broke 3 Miles

I took two laps around the resevoir last night, a very hot, grey night in NYC. It occurred to me midway through lap one that I was breathing much more easily than before....slow and easy in, slow and easy out, a significant improvement. So this is working, and it is very encourgaing to see tangible results. Most of my discomfort was in my calves and shins, and after about 2.5 miles, groin, so more and better stretching is on the agenda.

After I finished my 2 laps (3.16 miles) I walked about 1/2 way home, then ran the remainder of the distance, about 10 blocks/0.5 miles.

Tell you what, no matter how much I actually run while I'm out, I always make sure I return to my building at a trot. My doorman is a fairly accomplished neighborhood athlete, and we chat about running every night as I leave the building in my shorts and kicks. He's very supportive and helpful, but I'll be damned if he sees me walking!


VT Runner said...

Way to take it to the doorman...even if he is supportive. Love the spirit!

Agricola said...

Way to go! It's great reading of your progress. Keep it up, and I agree with VTR, way to finish it strong -- that's the competitive spirit!